3000 Frickin’ Facebook Likes!

posted in: Giveaway | 34

Wow.  2013 just keeps getting better and better for me.  I am blown away and so full of gratitude and happiness.  Anyway, to express that gratitude, I want to give a little something back.  Here’s a big giveaway from me to you that will go live at midnight tonight!  🙂

Thank you.  Seriously.  Now enter.  You have more ways that you can shake a stick at to get your name thrown in the pot and you can spread even more love!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

34 Responses

    • Jade

      Thank you, Yvonne. Please keep in touch and let me know what you think! ~Jade

  1. Sara Ferguson

    There was no place to leave it above, my fave band in your books is Korn. Jonathan Davis in a kilt? Yes please!!

    • Jade

      I don’t know why Rafflecopter is being so weird and not letting anyone answer this question!!! Thanks!

    • Jade

      Sorry Rafflecopter’s not letting you answer there. Obviously, they’re one of my faves too! 🙂

  2. Jaclyn

    I just bought a couple but I haven’t had time to read recently so I’ve never read any. But I have been hearing fantastic things!

    • Jade

      Thanks, Jaclyn. Please let me know what you think when you get around to reading them! 🙂

    • Jade

      Thanks, Trish! Not sure why Rafflecopter’s not taking answers… :/ I love Godsmack too! 🙂

  3. Marivett Villafane

    I haven’t read any yet, but Bullet is my next read!

    • Jade

      Me too!!! There are few bands I don’t like! Sorry Rafflecopter’s not working right! 🙂

  4. shellie

    Fave bad has got to be Godsmack. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

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