Mental Health and Me

posted in: Various Musings | 0

Some of you might remember this time last year.  I was still flying high from the continued success of Bullet, and Shh Mom’s Reading had hosted my first blog tour.  Well, some of you might not know it, but one of the lovely ladies of SMR also fundraises for a cause near and dear to her heart.  The Keith Milano Memorial Fund was established to bring awareness to mental illness (to read more about his fund, you can go to his memorial page on Facebook here).  Last year, I donated proceeds from the sales of Bullet in May to the fund.

This year, I will be donating proceeds from the entire Bullet series thus far (Bullet, Rock Bottom, Feverish, and Fully Automatic) and also from Old House.  It doesn’t matter if I sell one of the books on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or if it’s an ebook or a paperback.  10% of all proceeds will go to the fund.  Why?  Well, if you’ve read these books, you know how they tie into the idea of mental illness, but I’m also doing it because I feel like I need to give back.  This is not the first time I have helped with a good cause and it won’t be the last.

On that note, have you purchased Pink Shades of Words?  Seventeen authors donated stories to the book, and all proceeds from the sale of that book go toward breast cancer research.  You can read more about it here on the Pink Shades Facebook page.  I am happy to announce that I will be writing another story for next year’s book.  If you want to purchase the book, do it now.  After May 31, it will be gone forever.

Finally…if you haven’t heard yet about Inked, it’s an anthology that I am proud to be working on with four other fabulous author friends (Jo-Anna Walker, Stacy Gail, Scarlett Metal, and K. Pinson), and we have a few surprises for you.  We’ll each be contributing a full-length novel to this anthology, but we’ll also be donating to a good cause.  We’ll let you know more as we approach publication.  Look for that in August.

I know there is a saying, “Do no harm,” but instead why don’t we strive to do good, to make the world a better place?  If I can do it just one word at a time or one kindness at a time, I will.  Much love, my friends!

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