Sadie Grubor writes rock star romance books just like yours truly. She and I met through a rock star author group on Facebook that we both belong to! I recently interviewed Sadie, and this is what she had to say.
Sadie, thank you for answering questions for me today. I first met you through the Rock Star VIP group we’re both part of. Please tell me how long you’ve been writing (both published and unpublished).
Thanks for allowing my trashy self on your blog today. 🙂 Yes, we were introduced in the Rock Star VIP group, which has been amazing fun.
I’ve been writing with the intent to publish for about five years now. (Holy crap, I didn’t realize it’s been that long until now.) My first work was small press published in the Y/A category. Unfortunately, the business and my association with them didn’t end well. On a good note, it pushed me to self-publish.
You and I both write rock star romance. Can you tell me how many rock star books you’ve written? What has inspired you to write in this particular romance subgenre?
At the moment, The Falling Stars Series has three full length books (which can be read as standalones) as well as two novellas (which are not standalones).
I’ve always loved music, though I cannot sing nor play an instrument. I read a few rock star romance books and then an idea was born for Falling Stars. Each consecutive book has been inspired by readers and different pop culture happenings.
There are actually further niches in rock star romance. I haven’t yet had a chance to read yours. Do you write sweet rock star romance? Gritty? Realistic? Tell me what makes yours stand out from the crowd.
My rock stars are very much foul mouthed, dirty rockers. There is no closing a bedroom door – or wherever – when they decide to rock out with their… yeah, you get me.
For me, what make my rockers stand out are the differences between each one. You have the asshole alpha, the laid back alpha, the mature ex-rock star DILF alpha, and just an entire case of secondary characters who I adore to write.
Do you have a bestselling or “breakout” book you’d like to tell me about?
Falling Stars (book 1) was my first book to gain a lot of attention and even rank on Amazon, but I wouldn’t consider myself a ‘bestselling’ author. I like to think of Falling Stars as the book that brought some really great people/readers into my life.
Have you written in other genres or do you plan to? Please tell me about them.
I mostly stay in the contemporary romance arena, but I do have other – non rock star – books.
There’s a marriage arrangement trilogy titled The Modern Arrangements Trilogy, a married in Vegas with a twist standalone book titled VEGAS follows you home, along with two more standalones: nanny and boss/father of child story Live-In-Position & next door neighbors to lovers in All Grown Up.
Though, while I’m working on upcoming books for The Falling Stars Series, I am also considering branching out into the paranormal genre…. Maybe *bites nails*
It seems a good many authors struggle with writer’s block. How do you cope with that particular problem?
Oh… writer’s block. I’m afraid we all suffer this at some point. One of my books took me three – that’s right, three – years to fully finish. The second book in The Falling Stars Series took almost two years because the main character decided he wanted to be a bastard and not talk to me.
It happens and, honestly, I don’t have the remedy. It’s been different things to push me out of my different slumps and gets the muse/mojo flowing. For VEGAS it was my husband making me sit down and talk about the entire story with him. He made a couple comments and BAM I was finishing Damon and Liv’s story. For HITS (book 2 in Falling Stars Series) it was my BETA team and me writing a song/poem for the book.
But you asked about ‘coping.’ For that, A LOT of wine and junk food.
Ha! I hear that. Any rituals you perform before, during, or after you write? Anything you do to get “in the zone”?
I sacrifice a sharpie, a signed paperback, and a drop of blood to the writing gods before I start a book. JUST KIDDING!
I’m sort of all over the place, so starting a book usually involves a lot of pre-work – character and story outlines, which I usually end up NOT following.
Music and Sour Gummy Bears put me in my writing zone most of the time.
After I complete a book, I typically allow myself some reading time. I hate missing out on amazing releases from my favorite authors because I’m caught up in my own little world(s). So, I give myself time for that… OH, and I usually end up drastically dying my hair a different color. 🙂
Any of your characters you love more than any others? Hate? Any of them “speak” to you more loudly?
At this moment, Sidra and Xavier from Snare (the newest release in The Falling Stars Series) are STILL dominating my brain. I’m pretty sure I can already plan a novella or some blog posts featuring both of them. They are loud and crazy; the banter in my head between these two just never quits.
Christopher (from book 1) will always have a special place. Both him and Mia actually, BUT Sid is such a kindred spirit character – for me. I put a great deal of myself into her and that makes her extremely special to me.
Oh… and I hate them all at some point. Whether it’s for making me cry or just deciding not to talk to me, they endure my hatred plenty.
How much of you can we find in your characters? Can you give us an example?
I just mentioned Sid being the most like me character, but each of my heroines typically get something personal.
Olivia Harlow from VEGAS follows you home is a baker. She makes specialty cakes and so forth. I’m a HUGE baker. Cookies, candy making, and –yes- specialty cakes. I’m talking elaborate three tier custom and shaped cakes.
Mia Ryder from Falling Stars is a girl with tomboy tendencies. Her favorite color is green and she has a Kermit the Frog guitar & tattoo. I don’t have the guitar, but I love green and Kermit is my cartoon soul mate (I do have him tattooed on me).
So, there is a piece of me inside most of my characters, especially the heroines.
If we had to read one book of yours, which one would you recommend and why?
It really depends on what you are into the most. I’ll answer it this way:
I’m pretty pumped about Snare. The humor and dirty filthy behavior makes me happy.
My husband would tell you to read VEGAS follows you home.
The majority of my author group (I hate calling them a street team. It’s just my feeling on the matter) would tell you to start with Falling Stars.
Tell me about something exciting or weird that’s happened to you since becoming an author.
People ‘fan girl’ over me. What the what?!?! When did that start happening? And why? I’m a weirdo that hears voices in her head. But who am I to judge?
What else do we need to know about you and/or your books?
That they are freaking awesome and everyone should read them. Kidding (not really).
I like to keep my books different from each other, so if you don’t like one, it doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy the others. However, I will warn you that I am inappropriate and immature most of the time. My characters totally reflect that.
Sadie Grubor hears voices in her head that sometimes sing and play music, but they are always loitering in her brain ready to distract and amuse.
AND Grubor Groupies hear things first (though I don’t exactly know what they are hearing or if they REALLY want to hear it):
Grubor Groupies:
The Falling Stars Series
Falling Stars – Book 1:
Stellar Evolution – Novella 1.5: (not a standalone)
Hidden in the Stars (HITS) – Book 2:
Stellar Collision – Novella 2.5: (not a standalone)
SNARE – Book 3:
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