L.A. Remenicky writes “Love Stories with a Twist.” Let’s see if she tells us why in my interview with her (psst! I know why!!!).

L.A., thank you for answering questions for me today. You and I have been friends for a while, and it’s my pleasure to interview you!
We both write contemporary romance. Can you tell my readers how many books you’ve published and what makes yours stand out from the crowd?
I currently have three books published and stories in three anthologies. Saving Cassie and Ragan’s Song are books 1 and 2 in my Fairfield Corners series. These are contemporary romance with a twist of paranormal. I have three more books planned for this series (hopefully book 3, Fate Stepped In, will be out before the end of the year). My other book, Invisible, is romantic suspense. Two of the anthologies I am in were put together by a group of awesome authors: The Awethors. One Night Stand is in Awethology Dark and my short story “Christmas Dreams” is in The December Awethology, The Dark Volume. And I had a story in Sensual Diversions (which is no longer available).
Do you have a bestselling or “breakout” book you’d like to tell me about?
My “breakout” book hasn’t happened yet but I’m hopeful it will happen soon… maybe it will be Fate Stepped In. When Lavish re-released Invisible, it did get put in The Rock Stars of Romance sales section in their email. I was flabbergasted – I’m sure it was due to the ladies at Words Turn Me On who were doing my blog tour – they did a fab job contacting blogs to post and tweet.
Have you written in other genres or do you plan to? Please tell me about them.
Well, I have a feeling I will always write some type of romance, I’m a sucker for a happy ending. I do have story idea that’s shaping up to be a fantasy/sci-fi NA romance (but that may change by the time I get to write it). Also, be on the lookout for some rock star romance next year – I’ve got a four book series in the works: Ground Zero ~ Rock Star Love Stories.
How exciting! It seems a good many authors struggle with writer’s block. How do you cope with that particular problem?
That has been a problem for me this year (along with starting a full-time job!). I had such big plans to publish three books this year but that didn’t quite happen. Usually, if I take some time to relax and read or watch some movies that will usually bring my writing mojo back.
Any rituals you perform before, during, or after you write? Anything you do to get “in the zone”?
I have to have music playing – I usually put on my music player and have it play random – I may get Metallica followed by Keith Urban and then some Styx or REO Speedwagon and then something by John Schneider (yes, he sings). My collection has a little bit of everything. Occasionally, I will select certain songs or types of music to get myself in the right frame of mind if I’m struggling with a scene.
Any of your characters you love more than any others? Hate? Any of them “speak” to you more loudly?
Logan and Cassie will always be my favorites as they were my first. I dreamt about their story for a couple of years before I started writing. Usually, the ones talking the loudest are NOT in the story I want to work on, which wreaks havoc with my deadlines.
How much of you can we find in your characters? Can you give us an example?
There’s a little spark of me in all my characters. Cassie’s red hair, Adam’s stubbornness, Ragan’s love for her family, Lainie’s shyness.
If we had to read one book of yours, which one would you recommend and why?
That’s a hard question. I would have to say Ragan’s Song. I’ve grown so much as a writer since that first NaNo when I wrote Saving Cassie on a whim.
Tell me about something exciting or weird that’s happened to you since becoming an author.
Author events. The first time someone brought one of my books that they specifically bought beforehand to have me sign, I was giddy. I’m just a shy redhead from Indiana; attending author events has pulled me out of my comfort zone and made me interact with readers. I’m not as outgoing as I’d like to be but I’m working on it slowly. If you see me at an event be sure to stop by and say hi.
What else do we need to know about you and/or your books?
I am so thankful for every reader who picks up one of my books. When I started on this crazy writing journey, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have three published books to my name with more to come. Keep reading and I’ll keep writing!
Saving Cassie and Invisible are available on Audible.com and Ragan’s Song will be available in audiobook soon.
L.A. Remenicky is a Hoosier author and furkid mom telling love stories one line at a time.
Connect with L.A.:
Email: LARemenicky@LavishPublishing.com
Website: http://www.laremenicky.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/laremenicky
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/remenickywrites
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7191202.L_A_Remenicky
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/laremenicky/
Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/laremenicky
Facebook Street Team/Fan Group ~ Remenicky’s Remenions: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1425708337682216/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/remenickywrites
Newsletter signup: http://eepurl.com/O0b4H
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/l-a-remenicky
Saving Cassie links
Amazon http://smarturl.it/SavingCassieAmzn
B&N http://smarturl.it/SavingCassieBN
Kobo http://smarturl.it/SavingCassieKOBO2
iTunes http://smarturl.it/SavingCassieITunes
Goodreads: http://smarturl.it/SavingCassieGR
Audible: http://www.audible.com/pd/Romance/Saving-Cassie-Audiobook/B01JJ6C7TC/
Ragan’s Song links
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/RagansSongAmzn
B&N: http://smarturl.it/RagansSongBN
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RagansSongiBooks
Kobo: http://smarturl.it/RagansSongKobo2
Goodreads: http://smarturl.it/RagansSongGR
Invisible Links:
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/InvisibleAmz
B&N: http://smarturl.it/InvisibleBN
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/InvisibleiTunes2
Kobo: http://smarturl.it/Kobo2
Goodreads: http://smarturl.it/InvisibleGR
Audible: http://www.audible.com/pd/Romance/Invisible-Audiobook/B01K37AO1Y/
Fate Stepped In Links:
Coming in 2016
Goodreads: http://smarturl.it/FateSteppedInGR
#Awethology Dark (2015) –One Night Stand
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B016RDV1RE
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/awethology-dark
Inktera: http://www.inktera.com/store/title/12728bf9-06bf-414e-9e36-afeb1dd14797 Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/285289607/Awethology-Dark Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B016RDV1RE Paperback: https://www.createspace.com/5816718
December Awethology – Dark Volume – Christmas Dreams
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/December-Awethology-Dark-Awethors-ebook/dp/B018XWC5Z4
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