Calling all fangirls! 2011 rock star romance books (the ultimate list of new rocker romance)

posted in: Various Musings | 7

If you read my blog post last week, then hopefully you got a good idea for the feel of indie publishing back in 2011.  As a fun celebration of that, I’m going to make some lists with rock star romance titles for each year, starting with 2011.  I know (now!) that there were plenty of books in that genre before I naïvely entered the scene, but I want to start with the year I began publishing and sharing the novels I remember the most.  This doesn’t mean they were the bestselling rock star romance books (although I know for certain that several of them are), nor does it imply that I’ve read them or endorsed them, nor is it even an indication of if it’s indie or traditionally published.  Just, from my author perspective, these are books that got my attention during that particular year—and maybe they did yours as well.

At first, I was going to arrange the titles in no particular order, but then I decided to instead order them by publication date.  If you want more info, you can click on the links that will take you to their respective pages on Amazon (or, if they are no longer available, on Goodreads).

One last thing:  some of these books I discovered back then just by searching on Amazon’s Kindle pages, but a good many of them appeared in the “also bought” section on my book’s pages on Amazon.  Maybe you’ll find a new-to-you rockstar read here!  If you prefer binge reading series, then you’ll be happy to know that a good many of these books offer that as well!

Without further ado, here is a list of 2011 Rock Star Romance Books (by the way, YES…that means that these books are now a DECADE old, but they will still rock you!):

OCTOBER 2021 UPDATE: If you visited when I first wrote this post, you’ll notice there are lots more now. Enjoy! 🙂

January 2011

February 2011

March 2011

  • Blindsided, Sayer Adams (With the Band #1) – This is one of the first ebooks I bought for the Kindle as I tried to figure out how to format my books and all that good stuff (plus I liked the story!). To the best of my knowledge, this book is no longer available for purchase.
  • Icy Temptation (Angels of Rock/ Rock Angels #1), Marisa Chenery
  • Mayhem with Angels, C.H. Mills
  • Rhythm in Blue, tfc Parks
  • Rockoholic, C. J. Skuse
  • Taste Me (Underbelly Chronicles #1), Tamara Hogan
  • UNTITLED (Friends Lovers or Nothing #1), Jackie Chanel
  • Waking Maggie, Cindy Jacks

April 2011

The most recent cover of Tangled Web
  • Rock Hard, Olivia Cunning (Sinners on Tour #2) – Olivia Cunning was the first rock star romance author to catch my attention. Shortly after publishing my first book, I bought the first book in her Sinners series, and I know lots of my readers have read and loved her books.  What I enjoy most about Cunning’s books is it’s clear she’s a true fan of real hard rock music.  As a fan myself, I appreciate that!
  • Tangled Web, Jade C. Jamison (Tangled Web #1) – you know the story behind this one…and if you don’t, then you must be new to my website. 😉  In case you are new to me, here’s the description (which has, admittedly, evolved a bit over time):

    He shouldn’t have expected his best friend to stay single forever…
    Katie’s had a secret crush on her best friend Johnny Church since high school, but he’s never looked at her the same way. When he leaves home to become a famous rock star, she stays behind, eventually becoming engaged.
    But when Johnny comes home to visit this time, things seem different somehow. He’s still her friend—but there’s something else there. And Katie realizes she should have told Johnny she had a fiancé, because maybe the attraction was mutual after all…

May 2011

June 2011

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011

While both of these books popped up on my radar after 2011, they were both released in September of that year:

  • Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star, Heather Lynn Rigaud – I’ve not read it myself but based on the title and reviews, I think it’s safe to say it’s a retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
  • Groupie, Ginger Voight (Groupie #1) – I haven’t read this one, either, but it first caught my notice on Goodreads.

But they weren’t the only September releases.

October 2011

November 2011

December 2011

I know there had to be lots more that year, including some I’m just not remembering—but that’s okay. This is a start! (I was right! I found lots more and updated this list in October 2021!) Stay tuned for more yearly lists but in the meantime I have some questions for you:

Were you reading rock star romance novels back then? What other contemporary romance books do you remember seeing that year? Let me know in the comments!

Or if you want to see more, you can check out my list for 2010 and earlier or 2012!

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