New release rock star romance books for second half of 2021

posted in: New release | 12

If you’ve been following my blog (or even if you read my post about new rocker releases for the first half of 2021), then you’ve been expecting this! So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the newest, hottest rockstar romance novels published between July and December of this year!

July 2021

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

December 2021

There were a few other books that were supposed to be released (and one that looks like it was released and retracted), but I can’t find them, so I’ll add them later when I can confirm their presence. Still, this is a pretty awesome list!

It’s been a great year for new rocker romance–and I know there’s plenty of good stuff in store for ’22…just based on all the pre-orders I’ve seen. And I’ll be publishing a book in the Tangled Web series (the first since 2014!!!)…so all’s good in the land of fictional rock and roll!

You can check out the books listed for the first half of 2021 or you can see ALL THE ROCKSTAR ROMANCE BOOKS FOR ALL TIME. 2022 will be coming soon. OMG!

12 Responses

  1. Pamela Bush

    I love all the books I have read by ms. Jamison. I am looking for a book about a rockstar(band). A PR woman is hired to clean up the images of the lead(?) singer. She is on tour with them. The band takes her to buy her some new clothes and of course she falls for him and he for her. I loved this book and would love to read it again. I can’t remember the names of the band or the lead characters. If anybody knows the name of this book please feel free to email me. Thanks in advance

    • Jade

      Thank you, Pamela! There are soooo many rockstar romance books with that beginning premise. Could it be one of these?

      ** Built to Fall, Julia Wolf
      ** Lead, Kylie Scott
      ** Treyton, J. Nathan
      ** Good Girl, Piper Lawson

      If not, I can keep looking and I’ll also ask if any of my newsletter readers know. I hope we can figure it out for you!