Sunday Q&A
I get asked a lot of questions, mostly in interviews but sometimes off the cuff from readers. I’m going to start expanding on those questions here…but if you have any questions of your own, please don’t hesitate to ask and … Continued
I get asked a lot of questions, mostly in interviews but sometimes off the cuff from readers. I’m going to start expanding on those questions here…but if you have any questions of your own, please don’t hesitate to ask and … Continued
Over the past few years, I’ve had my fair share of aspiring and up-and-coming authors ask me dozens of questions—not just creative writing type questions but also questions about the publishing process, marketing, and more. I am by no means … Continued
Woohoo! We’re a little over two weeks away from release of the final book in the Bullet series. Most of my beta readers enjoyed the book, and now I am shipping it off to my review team as we speak … Continued
When I began my journey as an indie author in the spring of 2011, I knew nothing about marketing (I’m still learning and it’s all uphill!). All I knew was that I’d been writing my whole life, and I was … Continued
The past week, I’ve noticed something. As of Sunday morning, there were three homes on my morning route that were still festive, for lack of a better word. One house was on my block. Lining the eaves of the house … Continued
Last week, I did a blog post about book clubs and how having the right questions can spark great conversations about your favorite books. On that note, I put together some questions for my rock star romance, Tangled Web. I … Continued
Dear Crabby is a weekly column featuring the loveable but cantankerous Crabby, full of relationship advice for the lovesick. Let’s read what advice she has today for our poor reader. Dear Crabby: I know you’ll never get this letter, … Continued
My Nicki Sosebee readers are cheering so hard, I can hear them! Finally! The next Nicki book. This is the beginning of the end, my friends, and the series will end with book #13. The plan is to publish the … Continued
I sent Locked and Loaded off to my beta readers earlier this week. I’ve received feedback from about half of them and am just waiting for the remainder to give me their thoughts. Revision based on beta readings is one … Continued
When I first started the Nicki Sosebee series in 2011, I envisioned the books as sort of a Nancy Drew series for adults—where the main sleuth-like character behaved like an adult…with all the trappings. Nicki was free spirited and lighthearted … Continued