A Sincere Thanks
What a weird weekend it was in the world of writing. I was consumed with one author pulling her book off the shelves indefinitely, but then a fellow author alerted me to yet another author doing her best to decimate … Continued
What a weird weekend it was in the world of writing. I was consumed with one author pulling her book off the shelves indefinitely, but then a fellow author alerted me to yet another author doing her best to decimate … Continued
I’m sure you’ve heard by now that M. Leighton has felt compelled to pull her book Until I Break from publication. I read her blog post about her decision which, I’m sure, was quite agonizing for her. She wanted to … Continued
Finally…my 1000 LIKEs Giveaway!!! Good luck! Giveaway begins tomorrow. Thank you all so much for this honor. I am proud to be YOUR author! 🙂 a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have I said lately how much I love the internet? There are so many reasons, and I’m going to wax poetic for a few minutes. I got my bachelor’s degree a long time ago, when I had to type essays … Continued
As the indie author market grows, so do the number of indie authors…and I think that’s exciting! People who have dreamed for years of having their work read now have the opportunity. As my own writing has become more noticed, … Continued
One cool thing set up on my website is that I can see most search terms people use when being referred to my website, so I know how people arrive here. I’ve noticed that a lot of folks are looking … Continued
As you all know by now, my latest novel Bullet “went live” on February 18. It was in the top 100 on Amazon’s U.S. Paid for Kindle charts for over five days (and it’s still in the top 200), and … Continued
It’s here! It’s here! It’s finally here!!!! Publication day for Bullet, my much-anticipated epic rock star novel. I am giddy beyond belief. Now you’ll finally all understand the depths of my rock star obsession. I’m half kidding, of course, but … Continued
My highly anticipated next rock star book, Bullet, is going to include a foreword. I’ve never done that before, but there’s a reason for it. I wanted to share a little history of the book with my readers. But I’m … Continued
I dream someday of just writing. I have so many other obligations that I can’t write as much as I’d like. This week, I’ve been writing like crazy on my newest novel Bullet, which I hope will be available to … Continued