Mother’s Day
You’re probably wondering why I’m writing about Mother’s Day now instead of in May. (I know Mother’s Day is celebrated earlier in the year in the UK and Australia, but for some reason, we celebrate it in May here in … Continued
You’re probably wondering why I’m writing about Mother’s Day now instead of in May. (I know Mother’s Day is celebrated earlier in the year in the UK and Australia, but for some reason, we celebrate it in May here in … Continued
Recently, I had a reader send me an email, wondering where Boiling Point fit into the Bullet universe. I wasn’t able to give her a solid answer, because, after writing Feverish, I realized Clay’s band Last Five Seconds had its … Continued
I get it. I do. I understand why it would be comforting to know that a book is going to follow an exact formula. You know this one: Boy meets girl. Some conflict ensues but they continue to battle whatever … Continued
Recently, I asked folks in my group a quick question just wanting to get a sense of if I should do something or not. They are a great group and their immediate feedback is always helpful. Based on their enthusiastic … Continued
I and seven of my author friends have joined forces to offer you several things: Romance!!! Books! Hours and hours of reading! And many of these books are on sale too, so you can get them for a fraction of … Continued