I’m Touched
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—my writing is not for everyone, just as I don’t like everything I read. What a boring planet this would be if we all liked the same things. That’s not a bad … Continued
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—my writing is not for everyone, just as I don’t like everything I read. What a boring planet this would be if we all liked the same things. That’s not a bad … Continued
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had readers complain (well, maybe not complain, but voice their opinions) about a specific point of view I’ve used in a book. For the hell of it, let me tell you a … Continued
Holy crap! My Facebook page just hit 8000 Likes. I am blown away. What blows me away more, though, is the amazing response I received from my author and blogger friends when I asked for donations to my celebration giveaway. … Continued
Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. I’ve done that this year—big time. It’s all good, but I’m feeling a little stressed and wonder if I should spend more time marketing myself and less time writing. The problem … Continued
Some of you know I contributed a short story to the anthology Pink Shades of Words. I was proud to be part of that. I and sixteen other authors donated to this project to help raise funds for breast cancer … Continued