Love and Christmas is live!
The final book in the Small Town Secret series is now live! Love and Christmas, just in time for the holidays! The Small Town Secret project has been a labor of love for a couple of years now, as I’ve … Continued
The final book in the Small Town Secret series is now live! Love and Christmas, just in time for the holidays! The Small Town Secret project has been a labor of love for a couple of years now, as I’ve … Continued
If you’ve been following my blog over the last few months, then you know that I’ve been compiling lists of rockstar romance books. I’m trying to find ALL of them in every sub subgenre. I started out with just a … Continued
UPDATED AUGUST 4, 2024 Hey, my rockstar romance reading friend! If you’ve been following my posts for the last few months, then you know that tracking down old rocker romance books has become an obsession for me. SERIOUSLY. What’s cool … Continued
If you saw my list for 2020, you know it was HUGE. Rocker romance is here to stay, and I’m going to catalog every new release in the subgenre that I can find for you! Part of that involves keeping … Continued
2020, a year that we will never forget. I think, more than ever, readers wanted more stories so they could escape what was happening in the real world. What I’ve always loved about rockstar romance is that, for me anyway, … Continued
I am so happy and so lucky! I have so many friends I’ve met online because they started as readers—and they are huge rock star romance readers! Several of them have clued me in to authors or books that I’ve … Continued
I have a couple of stories about people with missing memories—specifically, a character has amnesia. And, of course, their situations are automatically mysterious, because in both cases we don’t know why these people are missing their memories. They uncover those … Continued
What is that about rock stars that gets our blood pumping? Is it because looking and listening to a rock star gets our imaginative juices flowing? Trust me when I say I’ve tried to analyze it many times. And every … Continued
Let’s take another trip down memory lane, shall we? I’ve been creating lists of rock star romance novels released since 2011 and now we’re up to 2017 (update: I’m now trying to catalogue them for all time!). Let’s just say … Continued
I’m not going to give you much of an introduction…I’m just going to let you get your sneak peek! Chapter Two There weren’t many lights on at this house as I approached, but at least there were no snarling dogs. … Continued